Nobody wants or expects to have a run-in with the law. The truth – as any Miami criminal defense lawyer can tell  you – is that it can happen to anyone, regardless of whether they are actually guilty or innocent. Because of this, it is a good idea to know what you should do. More importantly, you should know what not to do when you are arrested.


Follow the Instructions

Pay attention to the officer’s instructions and obey them. If you are asked to identify yourself, tell them your name, age, date of birth, and other identifying information.

Stay Calm

This is imperative, because there is really no point in getting agitated, even if you believe that you are being wrongly or unlawfully arrested. If you are truly innocent, you will eventually be vindicated in court – as long as you are represented by a competent Miami criminal defense attorney.

Moreover, you cannot talk or argue your way out of an arrest – no matter what the charges against you are. So, keep your emotions in check and cooperate with the police.

Seek Legal Assistance

Under Florida law, you have the right to obtain legal counsel – regardless of what you are charged with. So, as soon as you are allowed to, call a Miami criminal defense lawyer and explain your situation to them. The sooner you get legal representation, the brighter your chances will be of achieving a positive outcome in your case.


Do Not Resist Arrest

Do not – under any circumstances – try to run away or resist arrest. You could be charged with obstruction of justice and resisting arrest, even if you do not have any physical contact with the officer.

If, on the other hand, you try to physically resist arrest, you could be charged with battery on an officer, which is a third-degree felony. These charges are extremely serious in nature and can make the job of your Miami criminal defense attorney a lot harder. 

Above all, any resistance or threat of violence on your part might force the officers to physically restrain you or even worse, use lethal force against you. So, it is in your best interests to remain composed and fully cooperate with the officers while getting arrested.

Do Not Talk to The Police

Apart from identifying yourself, you should not say anything to the officer who arrests you – or to anyone else for that matter. Remember – your right to remain silent is protected under the 5th amendment. Even an offhand remark can be turned into incriminating evidence by the prosecution. So, if you are asked any questions, tell the officer that you will only talk in the presence of your attorney.

Arrested in Florida? Choose the Right Miami Criminal Defense Lawyer to Represent You!

Attorney Chad Piotrowski has over 10 years of experience in defending Florida residents charged with non-violent, violent, and federal crimes. A former prosecutor, Chad Piotrowski has the legal knowledge, experience, and connections to mount an aggressive defense on your behalf and obtain the best possible results.

If you are facing criminal charges in Florida, call our firm today at 305-783-3436 or send us a message online for a free and confidential case evaluation.