If you are arrested and charged with a crime in Broward, Palm Beach or Miami-Dade County, you owe it to yourself to get the best possible defense attorney. But, what can you expect from a top criminal defense lawyer in South Florida?

Top Criminal Defense Lawyers Are Experienced

If you are looking for the best legal defense possible, make sure your lawyer is experienced. And in South Florida, there aren’t many attorneys more experienced than Chad Piotrowski. The former Assistant State Attorney for Miami-Dade, Chad has an extensive and storied background in prosecuting some of the toughest cases in the criminal court.

He began his understanding of the courtroom at the Narcotics Unit of the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office by witnessing the inner workings of litigation firsthand. Chad then sharpened his research and legal writing during coveted Federal Clerkships with the Honorable Jacob P. Hart and the Honorable Linda K. Caracappa in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, and later while working in the Juvenile and Appellate divisions of the Lehigh County District Attorney’s Office, Piotrowski protected the residents of Pennsylvania while simultaneously learning every detail and intricacy of the tremendously complex legal apparatus.

Today, Chad is one of the most respected criminal defense attorneys in all of South Florida. His extensive knowledge, both as a defense attorney and a prosecutor, give him a legal edge which few others possess.

Top Criminal Defense Lawyers Are Negotiators

One of the most important things a top criminal defense lawyer can do is to negotiate a more favorable deal. These deals are also known as plea bargains. Plea bargains are used to either eliminate or reduce the charges, as well as the repercussions of the charge. Florida’s prosecutors, however, are often unwilling to negotiate with defendants who choose to represent themselves.

A top criminal defense lawyer should also help you reach the best sentencing possible for your situation. If you are found guilty of the charges, an experienced and knowledgeable lawyer may be able to alter your sentence in a manner that will prevent you from ending back up in the court system.

Top Criminal Defense Lawyers Have a Deeper Understanding of Florida Laws

Unless you study the law, there are several rules and regulations that you may never uncover on your own. These seemingly hidden rules and laws regarding criminal prosecution in Florida are buried deeply within other statutes, regulations and court opinions. For instance, if you were to represent yourself, you would probably never know whether the search of your vehicle was lawful unless you understood the many intricacies and nuances surrounding the Fourth Amendment to the US Constitution.

Piotrowski Law prides itself on its thorough understanding of state and federal laws from both sides of the criminal justice system. A former prosecutor in Miami-Dade County, Chad Piotrowski has the unique ability to anticipate prosecution strategies to help build a solid defense to help obtain the best possible outcome for his clients. This deeper understanding of the nuances of the law is what sets Piotrowski Law apart from the competitions – and more importantly, what gets his clients results.

Top Criminal Defense Lawyers Fight for You!

Perhaps the most important thing to expect from a top South Florida criminal defense attorney is someone willing to go to battle with prosecutors to ensure your rights and interests are heard.

If you are looking for an experienced legal defense lawyer who will fight for you in Miami-Dade, Broward or Palm Beach County, call Piotrowski Law today at (305) 204-5000 for your free consultation.